"I wanted to let you know that I have made a great finger puppet. The crow. He is made much like your pig. Two pieces of black felt sewn together. Add googly eyes, and a V shaped gold nose and glue some great black feathers to his back rising up like a great tail. I also stuck a tongue depressor up inside (instead of a finger) and added a magnet to the back so he could rest on your fridge when he wasn't in use. I think crows get a bad rap in this world, they are very smart and help with keeping the earth clean. What is so bad about that?"
Patti claims to be retired from finger puppet construction, so she sent me her leftover supplies - a whole bunch of sewn bodies (or heads - I guess it depends what the puppet turns out to be) awaiting features , and lots of eyes and pompoms. Woo hoo, we're in business. Can't wait to make a crow though I can't quite figure the feather bit out.
I can tell where this is heading - soon I'll need to hold a Glue 'n' Chew party. You've heard of Stitch 'n' (you know what); well a Glue 'n' Chew is when you gather pals of either sex, assemble crafts with a glue gun, and of course, have snacks. My son's school has one every year to create Christmas ornaments for their Sharing Tree. When a child brings in a book to go under the tree, they take an ornament home as a souvenir. The books are sent to a designated charity. In 2006 it was North Queens Elementary School in Caledonia, NS. It was destroyed by fire the previous summer.
Anyway, maybe we'll have the Glue 'n' Chew to celebrate the launch of the Puppets for Kids Blog. Hey Patti, do you feel like coming to town and making puppets with us?
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